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Dressed Up


Putting women into the proper context

Women are a topic in which men claim to have very little knowledge, yet the bible actually provides us with a very clear picture of womanhood. As gentleman believers we will set ourselves apart by placing woman into the proper context of our lives. Let's begin where else but the beginning. 

Gen 2:18 “And Jehovah God said: it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a help meet for him.”


What does “help meet” mean? Before you read any further write down or state out loud what you believe it means. This is beneficial in that it's an expression of your will to God to learn and grow. This is going hot or cold so that he can correct you. 

First be careful with those who would change this word to "mate" and then attempt to make the woman sub servant to men. The word is MEET. Meet is Strong's #5828 ezer –“aid” oddly enough the Strong's reference for help is also #5828. In this instance it appears that “meet” adds nothing to the verse.

Let’s move beyond the arguments for right now and look at “ezer”.


(Help) in the bible comes in two ways to man. He can get help from someone lower then him like an underling. The second form of help is from someone “higher” like from God.

In psalm 60:11 “give us help against the adversary; for vein is the help of man. The first help is the verse is strongs #5833 ezrah and is from the root “ezer.” This is help from a superior especially since its asking for help directly from God. The second help is strongs # 8668 “tesuwquh” this is help from an inferior… the verse specifically references this is help from man.

Everywhere strongs #5828 ezer is used in the bible it means help from a superior. So, Genesis 2:18 states that the woman is God’s solution to giving the male help from a superior.

This this means gentleman we are dealing with someone more excellent. In follow up articles we will continue placing woman into the proper context of our lives. 

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